Thanksgiving at Grandma's

2018 surely ended in a bang for the Boyd family. I had some vacation time to burn at work so I decided to head north to Colorado one more time. My mom grew up in Colorado Springs and my grandma and Aunt Jenny (Aunt Jennifer the Great to the boys) still live there. So we made the long drive up I-25 to visit for a week. The weather turned cold fast but it was great to get away. We normally have a routine in Colorado Springs but this time we strayed from our regular spots. We didn't make it to Garden of the Gods, but we went to a new place for us, Castle Rock. Aunt Jenny took us to her fave high-school-makeout-spot, Austin Bluffs and it was amazing. If I lived there I would ride those trails all the time. Of course, we went to Manitou Springs and that gigantic antique mall but we didn't make it up to Helen Hunt Falls and that's ok. I know the boys had a blast and I'm pretty sure grandma and Aunt Jenny enjoyed the visit as well. I'm already anxious to return.